The film Alatriste focuses on the first five novels in the captain Alatriste series of novels. Still, excerpts from the remaining two novels are included in the movie. What many viewers may not be aware of is the fact that it is Viggo Mortensen’s acceptance to take up the role of the title character that propelled it to the top of the charts.
Had Viggo not agreed to appear in the movie, chances are that the project would not have come to fruition. The director of the movie Agustin Diaz Yanes went out of his way in compressing five comprehensive novels to form a one hundred and thirty four minute film filled with adventure and action.
Yanes, the movie director was categorical in stating that the making of the movie dependent on the choice of the fronting star. Having been tasked with that responsibility, he went far and wide in search for the right character. Viggo Mortensen was already enjoying untold stardom from his role in the Lord of Rings in the bold character where he starred in a Spanish film.
He executed the role with expertise and ease even when he had to adopt the Spanish accent in an abandonment of the regular South American accent he had grown up knowing. The movie covers Alatriste throughout his years in the Flanders war of 1623 to the 1643 war of France, during which Spain’s deterioration from being a world recognized superpower hits a rocket high.
About Viggo Mortensen’s Role

Viggo Mortensen brought out his role in the film perfectly. Armed with a hoarse voice, an intimidating professional demeanor, and an antisocial fixed stare, he executes his role with utmost ease. Many viewers agree that his performance is one of the reveling moments in the movie.
While many viewers like to think that Mortensen’s presence is the only thing that contributed to its success, he is surrounded by supportive and equally talented crew. Those who executed the various roles as mentioned in the book from Inigo Balboa, Javier Bardem, to Angelica de Alquezar, and Maria de Castro who happens to be Alatriste’s love interest.

Diego Velázquez brings in a visual influence with a choice of brown and black colors in his paintings. This man goes down in history as one of the best performers in the painting industry. They represent the real reflection of what the present day Spain is. A country that was all glitter and glory on the outside, but filled with decay from the inside.
Watching the film and reading the novels will bring with it a totally varying point of view. In the film, there are many changes that have been effected in order to maintain the originality of the story. Find out where to buy the Captain Alatriste series of novels.
In addition, the presence of Viggo Mortensen in the movie is likely to confuse the viewers into imagining that they are actually watching the Lord of the Rings.