The captain Alatriste books may have been written at a time when technology had not yet evolved. Today however, thanks to numerous technological advancements, readers can access these books online whether they want to read or place an order. They are available in various online stores and readers can purchase them according to their budget.

This means that they are available in varying forms. Readers can buy second hand books gently used and in good shape which comes at a reasonable price, they can also choose to buy a new never used before book. Those with a hard cover are more durable but readers will have to part with extra coins as compared to those who buy the paperback copies.
A comprehensive set of books including all the seven books in the series can be ordered from Amazon. Those who are lucky enough can even get them for a discounted price. The author Arturo Perez also has a page on Amazon. Readers can stop by, place an order, and get to understand more about the author. While at it, they can also peruse through to see some of his previous publications.
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The captain Alatriste series has been widely recognized among readers. See the hidden messages in the novels. As more and more readers become acquainted to the series through word of mouth from people who have already read them, research, or just by stumbling on them online, it is important to understand where they can be easily accessed. Fortunately, many readers are using their smart phones to access online platforms. And with the popularization of the kindle and ebooks, readers have no excuse for not accessing this interesting series.